I know that the life we’re given isn’t perfect.
It was never meant to be. It was given to us so that we make it perfect in our own ways.
My way of making it perfect was “Falling in love with you”.
The day I fell in love with you was the day I understood the meaning of the word PERFECT with utmost perfection.
They say that no one is perfect and no one could ever be.
Perhaps, my love, they haven’t seen you yet.
The way you look into my eyes is perfect.
The way carry that simplicity inside your heart is perfect.
The way you hold my hand and tell me that we’ll make it through. I swear, it’s PERFECT.
People tell me that I’m obsessed of you, because I would never stop talking about you.
I’d say, why not? Who doesn’t flaunt about their perfections?
You are the best part of me. My perfection!
I feel perfect when you’re around me. When you never get tired of praising my imperfections. When you choose to overlook all my flaws and yet love me with all your heart.
You would never complain when I screw up. This makes my life perfect.
Loving me harder on being a DISTASTER at times. This makes my life perfect.
Summing all this up, what makes me feel perfect about myself is having this perfect girl choosing to spend her entire life with me knowing that she always had better options.
Yes I am perfect. Not for the world maybe, but for YOU. And I promise that one day I will be the PERFECT man that you see in me today.


It’s Okay! :)

Sometimes it’s just okay to get drenched, like it’s never gonna rain again..
Sometimes it’s just okay to ride on the streets full of people, and still feel all alone..
Sometimes it’s just okay to feel the drops on your face, like your loved one is kissing you..
Sometimes it’s just okay to go mad and sing at the top of your voice, even when you are being noticed by everyone on the streets..
Sometimes it’s just okay to cry walking in the rain, so that no one notices your tears..
Sometimes it’s just okay to go through mixed emotions, and do not know how to react..
Sometimes it’s just okay to wash away all your bad thoughts in the pouring rain..
Sometimes it’s just okay to smile stupidly, remembering some old memories made in these rains..
And sometimes it’s just okay to be happy and smile, through all your pains…
Sometimes it’s just okay to wonder how?
And sometimes it’s even more okay is to feel something beyond LOVE…!! ❤ ❤



Some people say that Love is all about SACRIFICING..
Some say that it’s about never givin’ up..

Some say that if you LOVE them, let them go..
While some say that it’s about holding on till the last breathe..

Some of them say that it’s the feeling that lasts forever…for once and for all..
And some say that you move on and fall into it all over again..

Some people say that love is about making someone fall in love with you..
Where, some people say that it’s all about waiting till it happens to them too..

Some say that, once lost, love never returns..
While a some of them say that, if your LOVE is TRUE, it returns back to you, no matter in which corner of the world you dwell..

But i say, LOVE is a face with millions of gestures..
And it’s about, what gestures you wear, and which one suits you the BEST..!!☺✌


A Thing Called Life!

Life is very unpredictable, isn’t it?
It changes in a blink of eye and we don’t even realize..
You don’t believe?
Okay! Let’s rewind our lives a few years back..
Where being someone’s friend didn’t only mean, being in their friends list on FACEBOOK..
Where Love wasn’t just about changing relationship statuses from “Single” to “IN A RELATIONSHIP” and blah blah..
Where Promises were meant to be fulfilled, and not to be left broken..
Where sharing your feelings wasn’t named as “BROADCASTING”..
Where the Developed Pictures spoke a lot more than our Facebook Display Pictures..
Where we fought with someone for mending up again, and not blocking them on all our Social Networks..
Where emotions were real and truth was sweeter, rather than being bitter..(I guess this line was quite understood..:D )
Where every single person amongst us, rich or poor had one thing in common..
A thing called “LIFE” ❤

LIFE was really different back then..I wish I could be back in LIFE again. And I know, everyone wishes the same as I do..

Keep up the hope and start living!
God bless us all!